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Credits for Volunteering

Current members of Pomfret Horse & Trail Association may use volunteer hours to earn credits toward PHTA membership dues, clothing, events, or a donation to PHTA at a rate of $1.00 per hour of volunteer work. At the end of each year, awards will be given for the highest number of hours volunteered. Please note that members of the Board of Directors do not receive compensation or volunteer hours for time served related to their positions as officers or directors. To qualify for year-end awards, adults must volunteer a minimum of ten (10) hours. Credits are awarded for the following activities:


Cross Town Ride
Setting up tables and signs, marking trail route, working at registration table, start line, road crossings, parking, photography, organizing lunch, clean-up, etc.


Event Organizer
Serving as Ride Secretary, planning and organizing clinics, speakers, and other events


Marketing & Publicity
Writing press releases or newspapers articles, creating advertisements and flyers, photography at events, updating the Facebook page, etc.


Tag Sale
Organizing, helping set-up, working, clean-up, etc.


Trail Clearing & Maintenance
Participating in Trail Work days, chainsawing, picking up branches, trimming bushes, marking trails, etc.


Website Management
Creating and updating content for the website, creating registration and payment forms, etc.


Additional categories will be added as necessary.


The Volunteer Recording Form can be found here >>. It has space for three (3)) volunteer activities. Track your hours from December 1 to November 30. You may submit as many forms as needed. All forms must be received by December 1. The credits you earn must be used the following year.

© 2025 Meadow Rock Design/Pomfret Horse & Trail Association

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